Shelby County |
Code of Ordinances |
§ 24-58. Violation forfeitures; exceptions.
The general sessions court is hereby authorized to collect the following schedule of forfeitures:
SCHEDULE OF FORFEITURESSection Violated Nature of Violation Fine
Forfeiture24-6 Obedience to traffic officers $10.00 24-7 Obedience to school safety patrols 50.00 24-12 Use of roller skates, toy vehicles and similar devices in roadway 10.00 24-13 Clinging to moving vehicles 50.00 24-14 Boarding or alighting from vehicle in motion 25.00 24-15 Riding on or operating a vehicle while persons are riding on portion of vehicle not intended for passengers 50.00 24-16 Riding on motorcycles and motor-driven cycles 10.00 24-17 Wearing of crash helmets by driver and passenger on motorcycles and motor-driven cycles; operation of lights 50.00 24-18 Motorcycle and motor-driven cycle passenger seats 10.00 24-19 Motorcycle and motor-driven cycle windshield; wearing of goggles by operator and passenger 10.00 24-21 Parent permitting minor to violate sections 24-17—24-19 25.00 24-22 Child passenger safety responsibility 50.00 24-23 Deposit of destructive or injurious material in street prohibited; removal of same 25.00 24-26 Violators to furnish name and address 50.00 24-86 Unauthorized signs, signals, etc. 50.00 24-87 Altering, injuring, etc., traffic control devices 50.00 24-88 Traffic control signal legend generally 25.00 24-89 Flashing signals 25.00 24-90 Pedestrian-control signal 10.00 24-115 State driver's license and financial responsibility mandatory 24-116 Duty to devote full time and attention to operating vehicle 25.00 24-117 Duty to drive at safe speed, maintain lookout and keep vehicle under control 25.00 24-118 Driving when view or control obstructed 25.00 24-119 Lap driving 10.00 24-120 Pulling away from curb 10.00 24-121 Emerging from or entering alley, private driveway or building 25.00 24-122 Duty to drive on right side of roadway 10.00 24-123 Passing vehicles proceeding in opposite direction 10.00 24-124 Passing vehicles proceeding in same direction generally 10.00 24-125 Passing vehicles proceeding in same direction on right side 10.00 24-126 Duty of driver of overtaken vehicle while being passed by vehicle proceeding in same direction 10.00 24-127 Overtaking and passing school buses; identification of buses 50.00 24-128 Off-highway motor vehicles 10.00 24-129 Driving on divided street 10.00 24-130 Entering or leaving controlled-access roadway 10.00 24-131 Driving in parks 10.00 24-132 Driving within sidewalk area 10.00 24-133 Driving on walkway, when court appearance mandated 50.00 When court appearance not mandated 15.00 24-134 Obstructing intersection or crosswalk 10.00 24-135 Following too closely 25.00 General Speed Restrictions
24-136 Speed limit-parks 20 mph zone: 21 mph through 25 mph 5.00 26 mph through 30 mph 10.00 31 mph through 35 mph 15.00 36 mph through 45 mph 20.00 46 mph and over 50.00 24-136 Speed limit 35 mph zone: 36 mph through 40 mph 5.00 41 mph through 45 mph 10.00 46 mph through 50 mph 15.00 51 mph through 55 mph 20.00 61 mph and over 50.00 24-136 Speed limit 40 mph zone: 41 mph through 45 mph 5.00 46 mph through 50 mph 10.00 51 mph through 55 mph 15.00 56 mph through 65 mph 30.00 66 mph and over 50.00 24-136 Speed limit 45 mph zone: 46 mph through 50 mph 5.00 51 mph through 55 mph 10.00 56 mph through 60 mph 15.00 61 mph through 70 mph 30.00 71 mph and over 50.00 24-136 Speed limit 50 mph zone: 51 mph through 55 mph 5.00 56 mph through 60 mph 10.00 61 mph through 65 mph 15.00 66 mph through 75 mph 40.00 76 mph and over 50.00 24-136 Speed limit 55 mph zone: 56 mph through 60 mph 10.00 61 mph through 65 mph 20.00 66 mph through 70 mph 30.00 71 mph through 80 mph 40.00 81 mph and over 50.00 24-136 Speed limit Interstate 55 mph zone: 56 mph through 74 mph, per mile over the limit 1.00 plus litigation taxes; no other costs 75 mph through 80 mph 30.00 81 mph and over 50.00 24-136 Speed limit Interstate 65 mph zone: 66 mph through 74 mph, per mile over the limit 1.00 plus litigation taxes; no other costs 75 mph through 80 mph 30.00 81 mph and over 50.00 24-137 Speed limit—School zone—15 mph zone: 16 mph through 25 mph mandatory 26 mph through 35 mph mandatory 36 mph and over mandatory 24-138 Minimum speed regulations 20.00 24-139 Right-of-way at uncontrolled intersections 25.00 24-140 Yield intersections 25.00 24-141 Stop intersections 15.00 24-142 One-way streets 10.00 24-143 Turning movements generally 10.00 24-144 Markings or signs regulating manner of making turns 10.00 24-145 Prohibited turns 10.00 24-146 Limitations on turning around 10.00 24-147 Turning and stopping signals—Generally 10.00 24-148 Turning and stopping signals—Manner of giving signal with hand and arm 10.00 24-149 Turning and stopping signals—Change of direction after signal given 10.00 24-150 Turning and stopping signals—Duty of drivers receiving signal 10.00 24-151 Right-of-way when vehicle turning left at intersection 25.00 24-152 Limitations on backing 15.00 24-153 Procedure upon approach of authorized emergency vehicle, highway maintenance vehicle, or recovery vehicle 15.00 24-154 Following fire apparatus or driving near fire 15.00 24-155 Driving over fire hose 15.00 24-156 Driving in processions 10.00 24-157 Driving through processions 10.00 24-158 Striking parked vehicles or fixed objects 25.00 24-159 Operating vehicle for advertising purposes 10.00 24-160 Restriction on use of certain streets by trucks, trailers and heavy duty vehicles 25.00 24-161 Duty to stop at railroad crossing upon approach of train 25.00 24-183 Obedience to parking signs 5.00 24-184 Prohibited in specified places 5.00 24-185 Prohibited zones 5.00 24-186 Prohibited for certain purposes 5.00 24-187 Obstructing traffic prohibited 10.00 24-188 Opening door of parked or standing vehicle 10.00 24-189 Unattended vehicles 10.00 24-190 Stopping with left side to curb 10.00 24-191 Parking vehicles on residential streets 10.00 24-192 Parking of nonmotorized equipment or vehicles on residential streets 10.00 24-193 Storage of property on public streets and right-of-way unlawful 25.00 24-194 Parking in handicapped spaces 25.00 24-195 Bus stops 10.00 24-196 Vehicle owner not to permit parking violations 10.00 24-225 Bicycles—Effect of regulations 10.00 24-228 Lights and reflectors 10.00 24-232 Riding on roadways 10.00 24-233 Obedience to traffic control devices 10.00 24-261 Pedestrians—Application of article 10.00 24-262 Pedestrians—Use of crosswalks, generally 10.00 24-263 Pedestrians—When crossing at marked crosswalk required 10.00 24-264 Pedestrians—Right-of-way in crosswalks 10.00 24-265 Pedestrians—Crossing at other than crosswalks 10.00 24-267 Walking on roadway 10.00 24-268 Soliciting rides, employment or business 25.00 24-269 Duty of drivers with regard to pedestrians 25.00 24-291 Accidents—Immediate notice to sheriff's department 25.00 24-292 Accidents—Garages to report 25.00 24-317 Motor vehicle privilege tax ("wheel tax") mandatory 24-318 Registration of vehicles required mandatory 24-319 Display of registration plates; manner 10.00 24-341 Brakes generally 25.00 24-342 Brakes for motorcycles and motorized bicycles 25.00 24-343 Brakes for trailers and semitrailers 50.00 24-344 Service brakes required 25.00 24-345 Performance ability of brakes 25.00 24-346 Maintenance and adjustment of brakes 25.00 24-347 Lights required on motor vehicles; exceptions; regulations as to color, type and visibility distance 10.00 24-348 Lights on vehicles other than motor vehicles; visibility distance 10.00 24-349 Headlamps on motorcycles 10.00 24-350 Lamp at end of train of vehicles 10.00 24-351 Lighting devices and reflectors on vehicles having width in excess of 80 inches; truck tractors and trailers; lamp or flag on projecting load 10.00 24-352 Headlights on motor vehicles; operation during inclement weather 10.00 24-353 Muffler required 10.00 24-354 Muffler cutout prohibited 25.00 24-355 Horn required; bells, sirens or exhaust whistles on emergency vehicles 10.00 24-356 Windshields and windows 25.00 24-357 Windshield wipers 10.00 24-358 Steering mechanism and wheel alignment 25.00 24-359 Rear view mirrors 10.00 24-360 Vehicles to be constructed and loaded so as to prevent escape of load 50.00 24-361 Vehicles constructed or loaded so as to obstruct traffic prohibited 25.00 24-363 Extension of loads on passenger vehicles 10.00 24-364 Protruding objects 25.00 24-365 Local commercial trucking vehicles; ownership identification 25.00 24-366 Mud flaps on trucks 50.00 24-367 Operating vehicle equipped with tire in dangerous condition 25.00 24-368 Unnecessary noise 10.00 (b)
In addition to the fine forfeiture provided for herein, a court cost, including applicable litigation taxes and fees, shall be assessed and collected for each violation except that certain speeding offenses occurring on the interstate highways shall, in addition to the fine, be assessed litigation taxes and no other court costs.
An officer issuing a summons is authorized to require the charged offender to make a mandatory court appearance. The officer shall note on the summons that a court appearance is mandatory. Where a court appearance is so mandated, no forfeiture may be taken.
The established forfeitures as provided herein may be paid at the general sessions court clerk's office at any time prior to the court date appearing upon any citation or summons issued for a violation of any traffic ordinance except in those instances in which by law or order of court an appearance in court is required. Such payments at the general sessions court clerk's office may be made in person or by mail, or as otherwise provided by law.
(Code 1992, § 20-33; Ord. No. 90, § 1, 8-5-1991; Ord. No. 99, § 3, 3-9-1992; Ord. No. 173, § 2, 4-8-1996)