Latest version.
  • Ord. No. Date Subject
    1 09-22-1986 Ordinance establishing ordinance adoption procedures
    2 09-22-1986 Ordinance setting Mayor's 1986-90 annual salary ($82,500 plus $7500 expense account)
    3 09-22-1986 Ordinance setting County Commission's 1986-90 annual salary ($16,500 plus $300/month expense account)
    4 09-22-1986 Ordinance setting Commission Chairman's additional salary of $1000 for 1986-87 (amended by Ord. No. 18)
    5 03-09-1987 Joint ordinance ZTA 86-008 CC, sanitary landfills
    6 01-26-1987 Ordinance setting annual salary of county school superintendent ($67,330)
    7 02-23-1987 Ordinance regulating liquidation or going out of business sales; issuance of permits (amended by Ord. No. 38; Ord. No. 321)
    8 03-09-1987 Joint ordinance amending joint electrical code pursuant to creation of construction code enforcement
    9 04-13-1987 Joint ordinance amending zoning regs relative to mobile homes, manufactured housing, and flood plain management (ZTA 86-009 CC)
    10 06-01-1987 Joint ordinance amending subdivision regs relative to design of subdivision streets, construction of medians, and application procedure for revocation (STA 86-002 CC)
    11 06-15-1987 Joint ordinance amending zoning regs relative to earth extractions, etc. within floodway; and procedure for special use permit uses (ZTA 86-010 CC)
    12 07-06-1987 Joint ordinance amending building code § 201.2 to clarify definition of family and § 411-3(a) to provide certain protective requirements
    13 08-10-1987 Ordinance creating procedure relative to ordinances (amended by Ord. No. 41)
    14 08-10-1987 Ordinance fixing county tax rate for 1987 ($3.78 per $100)
    15 10-12-1987 Ordinance setting Commission Chairman's additional salary of $100 for 1987-88
    16 10-12-1987 Ordinance regulating security alarm services and use of alarms (not enacted following adoption)
    17 10-26-1987 Ordinance regulating litter control
    18 11-23-1987 Ordinance amending Ord. No. 4 to clarify Commission Chairman's salary
    19 11-23-1987 Ordinance establishing groundwater quality control board
    20 02-22-1988 Ordinance establishing 45 mph speed zone on Reese Road
    21 03-28-1988 Joint Ordinance amending zoning regs to establish minimum requirements for landscaping when developing property; revising chart 2, bulk regs and residential densities, reducing front yard setback requirements for commercial, etc. (ZTA 87-003 CC)
    22 04-11-1988 Joint Ordinance amending zoning regs to amend Chart 1, day care center and group day care home (ZTA 85-004 CC)
    23 04-25-1988 Ordinance amending Ord. No. 17 relative to litter control to clarify language
    24 04-25-1988 Ordinance establishing 35 mph speed zone on Evander Road
    25 06-27-1988 Ordinance amending air pollution control code to collect fees for issuance of permits, certificates and renewals, and for making required inspections
    26 06-27-1988 Ordinance regulating public use of, and recreation in, Shelby Farms
    27 07-11-1988 Ordinance setting salary of county board of education members and chairman
    28 07-11-1988 Ordinance setting annual salary of county school superintendent ($73,745)
    29 07-11-1988 Ordinance proposing to amend County Charter § 2.06(C) to allow adoption of a procedure to read caption of ordinance (passed 11-08-1988 election)
    30 08-01-1988 Joint ordinance amending subdivision regs relative to § 202 definitions and § 503.1 street improvements (STA 87-001 CC)
    31 08-01-1988 Ordinance setting Commission Chairman's additional salary of $1000 for 1988-89
    32 08-22-1988 Ordinance adopting state air pollution control regs for good engineering practice stack height regs as amendments to air pollution control code
    33 08-22-1988 Ordinance fixing county tax rate for 1988 ($3.78 per $100)
    34 09-26-1988 Joint ordinance amending zoning regs relative to Chart 1, day care center and group day care home (ZTA 85-004 CC)
    35 11-21-1988 Ordinance amending purchasing procedures to allow for purchase of property and casualty insurance and fidelity and surety bonds through sealed bid process or negotiations
    36 02-27-1989 Ordinance establishing special regs governing subdivision of land
    37 03-20-1989 Ordinance pertaining to providing natural or artificial gas and electric services
    38 04-10-1989 Ordinance amending Ord. No. 7 relative to liquidation or going out of business sales to change § 1 definitions, § 3 application for permit, § 4 renewals, and § 11 application of ordinance
    39 04-24-1989 Joint ordinance amending subdivision regs relative to surveyors and/or engineers certificates, administrative bond reduction procedure, notice of street/alley closures, administrative site plan review for exempted lots, etc. (STA 89-001 CC)
    40 04-24-1989 Ordinance amending private acts of 1935, chapter 182, § 1(3) to allow appointment of guardian ad litems
    41 04-24-1989 Ordinance amending Ord. No. 13 to change § 10 location of court hearing ordinance violations (amended by Ord. No. 321)
    42 04-24-1989 Ordinance amending Ord. No. 17 to delete the specific citation used for the charging instrument for ordinance violations
    43 05-22-1989 Ordinance amending private acts of 1973, ch. 161, § 6 to increase filing fee paid by public to divorce referee
    44 05-22-1989 Joint ordinance amending zoning regs relative to Chart 2, bulk regulations; Chart 1, use regulations (ZTA 89-001 CC)
    45 05-22-1989 Ordinance amending private acts of 1971, ch. 110, § 4 so county officials may vote in election of members and alternate to civil service merit board
    46 06-12-1989 Ordinance requiring developers to pave streets/portions of streets required by law to be dedicated and improved
    47 06-12-1989 Ordinance granting limited franchise to Beeler-Sanders Properties for county right of right and setting conditions
    48 06-26-1989 Ordinance setting annual salary of county school superintendent ($77,432)
    49 06-26-1989 Ordinance setting Commission Chairman's additional salary of $1000 for 1989-90
    50 06-26-1989 Ordinance adopting provisions of state air pollution control regs for infectious waste incinerator standards
    51 06-26-1989 Ordinance setting County Commission's 1990-94 annual salary ($16,500 plus $300/month expense account)
    52 07-10-1989 Ordinance fixing county tax rate for 1989 ($3.78 per $100)
    53 07-10-1989 Ordinance amending purchasing procedures to allow for purchase of supplies, materials, and equipment from a sole source through negotiation and negotiations with lowest and best bidder
    54 07-31-1989 Ordinance setting Mayor's 1990-94 annual salary ($96,513.33 plus $10,000 expense account)
    55 08-14-1989 Ordinance authorizing the establishment of no parking zones
    56 08-14-1989 Ordinance authorizing impounding of vehicles obstructing street
    57 08-14-1989 Ordinance prohibiting parking of vehicles on residential street
    58 08-14-1989 Ordinance prohibiting unauthorized signs in public rights-of-way
    59 08-28-1989 Ordinance regulating itinerant vendors and peddlers
    60 10-02-1989 Ordinance regulating removal of vegetation and debris from lots; authorizing charge of cost to be lien on property; assigning health department/designee to enforce ordinance
    61 12-18-1989 Ordinance creating procedure for issuance of subpoenas and establishing members of county commission
    62 12-18-1989 Ordinance establishing schedule of towing charges and approving rules and regs of sheriff (repealed by Ord. No. 323,)
    63 01-08-1990 Joint ordinance amending subdivision regs to amend § 105.g relative to exemption criteria for (4) acre or larger lots
    64 01-08-1990 Joint ordinance amending joint electrical code
    65 01-08-1990 Joint ordinance amending joint gas code
    66 01-08-1990 Joint ordinance amending joint mechanical code
    67 01-08-1990 Joint ordinance amending joint plumbing code
    68 01-22-1990 Joint ordinance amending joint county building code
    69 04-09-1990 Ordinance amending civil service merit act to require board to establish written procedures for appeal process
    70 04-30-1990 Ordinance repealing joint fire code as applicable in unincorporated areas, and adopting standard fire prevention code, 1988 edition, with certain local amendments, as fire prevention code of county
    71 06/11-1990 Joint ordinance amending zoning regs to permit private radio towers 65 feet or less to be located in single family residential districts (ZTA 89-004 CC)
    72 07-09-1990 Ordinance amending purchasing procedures to allow for purchase of supplies, materials and equipment from a sole source through negotiation with lowest and best bidder
    73 07-30-1990 Ordinance establishing maximum fees private process servers are allowed to charge for rendering services
    74 07-30-1990 Ordinance setting annual salary of county school superintendent ($81,304)
    75 07-30-1990 Ordinance amending purchasing procedures to exempt perishable commodities from public advertisement and competitive bidding requirements
    76 08-13-1990 Ordinance fixing county tax rate for 1990 ($3.78 per $100)
    77 08-27-1990 Joint ordinance amending zoning regs relative to location of establishments serving beer or liquor by the drink in local commercial (C-L) district (ZTA 90-002 CC)
    78 09-10-1990 Ordinance setting Commission Chairman's additional salary of $1000 for 1990-91
    79 09-10-1990 Ordinance prohibiting cutting/boring of county roads and right-of-ways without proper permit (amended by Ord. No. 195)
    80 09-24-1990 Joint ordinance amending zoning regs relative to permit modifications by authority of LUCB, parking requirements pertaining to movie theaters (indoor commercial amusements), and queuing space requirements for carry out restaurants with multiple service windows (ZTA 90-003 CC)
    81 11-05-1990 Ordinance regulating sexually oriented businesses (repealed by Ord. No. 344)
    82 11-19-1990 Ordinance pertaining to animal control, banning of pit bull dogs, and keeping of dangerous animals (amended by Ord. No. 204; Circuit Court Order declaring §§ 8 to 16 unconstitutional, 08-27-1991; Ord. No. 249)
    83 12-17-1990 Joint ordinance amending zoning regs relative to § 29 sign regs (ZTA 90-005 CC)
    84 01-07-1991 Ordinance amending purchasing procedures by repealing small business purchasing program (Res. No. 15, 06-06-1983 and Res. No. 18, 10-20-1986) and enacting a new small business purchasing program (repealed by Ord. No. 100)
    85 06-03-1991 Ordinance setting compensation of grand jury foreman
    86 07-24-1991 Ordinance amending purchasing procedures to allow for purchase of supplies, materials, and equipment from a sole source through negotiation and negotiation with lowest and best bidder
    87 07-22-1991 Joint ordinance amending zoning regs relative to local commercial (C-L) use district; special use permit for location of establishments serving beer or liquor by the drink by providing exemption based on distance from residential property; special use permit for day care centers by providing exemption for day care centers as an accessory use to a church located on 4 acre site or larger; Chart 1, use regs for radio-TV towers; delete X, permitted use and including them by reference as "communications towers", special use permit; flood plain regs requiring building permits, other standards for location of mobile homes (ZTA 91-001 CC)
    88 07-26-1991 Ordinance establishing certified county tax rate for 1991 ($2.38 per $100)
    89 08-05-1991 Ordinance setting Commission Chairman's additional salary of $1000 for 1991-92
    90 08-05-1991 Ordinance regulating operation of vehicles on county roadways, parking of vehicles on roadways or designated handicap parking spaces, and use of roadways by pedestrians (amended by Ord. No. 99)
    91 08-26-1991 Ordinance fixing county tax rate for 1991 ($2.88 per $100)
    92 09-09-1991 Ordinance setting annual salary for county school superintendent ($83,743)
    93 09-23-1991 Ordinance providing for safe removal of trees, limbs or parts that may interfere with electrical wires, utility poles, or street lamps
    94 10-21-1991 Ordinance regulating nudity and sexual activities in public areas
    95 10-21-1991 Joint ordinance regulating nudity and sexual activities in public areas (how are these different from one another?)
    96 02-10-1991 Ordinance establishing procedures and fees for the pickup and disposal of dead animals
    97 02-24-1992 Ordinance permitting establishment of electronic data processing user fees (amended by Ord. No. 103; Ord. No. 140; Ord. No. 288; Ord. No. 302)
    98 02-24-1992 Joint ordinance amending zoning regs relative to accessory use requirements regarding fences, walls, hedges; and bulk regs footnote 15 to clarify application of front yard setback reductions
    99 03-09-1992 Ordinance prohibiting motorized vehicles on walkways and amending Ord. No. 90 (operation of vehicles)
    100 03-09-1992 Ordinance repealing Ord. No. 84 relative to small business purchasing program (USDC-WD TN court order)
    101 03-10-1992 Ordinance reapportioning County Commission membership by adopting plan 10 consisting of 13 members and 5 districts
    102 03-30-1992 Ordinance creating air pollution program effective 07-01-1992
    103 04-13-1992 Ordinance amending Ord. No. 97 (data processing user fees) to delete references to joint code enforcement
    104 04-13-1992 Ordinance adopting 1992 Code consisting of Charter and Ordinance Chapters 1 through 29 effective 05-01-1992
    105 07-06-1992 Ordinance amending purchasing procedures to allow for purchase of supplies, materials, and equipment from a sole source through negotiation and negotiation with lowest and best bidder
    106 07-06-1992 Ordinance fixing county tax rate for 1992 ($3.16 per $100)
    107 08-10-1992 Joint ordinance amending zoning regs to delete special use permit requiring location of family day care facilities to care for 7 or fewer children in single family residential (R02) districts; and to amend special use permit requiring day care centers providing exemption for day care centers as accessory use to a church, public or private school, or publicly owned housing facility (ZTA 92-001 CC)
    108 08-10-1992 Joint ordinance amending zoning regs to establish regs governing location of outdoor vending facilities and to require a special use permit in certain districts (ZTA 92-002 CC)
    109 08-24-1992 Ordinance setting Commission Chairman's additional salary of $1000 for 1992-93
    110 08-24-1992 Ordinance amending county fire prevention code
    111 10-12-1992 Ordinance setting annual salary of county school superintendent ($87,093)
    112 10-12-1992 Ordinance amending ch. 420, private acts of 1917, as amended, to provide for approval by Memphis and Shelby County of certain contracts entered into by joint convention center (amended by Ord. No. 220)
    113 11-23-1992 Ordinance adopting Supplement No. 1 to Code (Ord. 86—108)
    114 12-07-1992 Ordinance amending purchasing procedures to create procedures for purchasing office furniture for elected officials and dept. heads
    115 02-08-1993 Ordinance establishing agreement between Millington, County, and Trustee for tax collection services
    116 03-22-1993 Ordinance adopting Supplement No. 2 to Code (Ord. 109—110)
    117 04-26-1993 Ordinance approving condemnation for expansion of airport on behalf of joint airport authority
    118 05-17-1993 Ordinance establishing agreement between State of Mississippi and Shelby County for funding comprehensive transportation planning and programming
    119 06-21-1993 Joint ordinance amending subdivision regs to establish procedures and standards for review and approval of minor subdivisions (STA 93-001 CC)
    120 07-12-1993 Joint ordinance amending subdivision regs to revise timing and method for installation of sidewalks and shifting of responsibility from local government to builder (STA 92-001 CC)
    121 08-16-1993 Ordinance establishing certified county tax rate for 1993 ($3.11 per $100)
    122 08-16-1993 Ordinance fixing county tax rate for 1993 ($3.16 per $100)
    123 08-30-1993 Ordinance setting Commission Chairman's additional salary of $1000 for 1993-94
    124 08-30-1993 Joint ordinance amending zoning regs to (1) provide more flexible setbacks for affordable housing on small existing lots in older neighborhoods; (2) amend landscape requirements for central business district for surface parking lots; (3) amend sign regs for more use of integrated center signs; (4) clarify nonconforming use section for new construction; and (5) establish estate residential zoning district for lots lager than 15,000 sq. ft. (ZTA 93-001 CC)
    125 08-30-1993 Joint ordinance amending zoning regs to amend central business and highway commercial (C-H) district use regulations in Chart 1 by deleting adult entertainment (ZTA 93-002 CC)
    126 09-20-1993 Ordinance setting Mayor's 1994-98 annual salary ($96,513.33 plus $10,000 expense account)
    127 09-20-1993 Ordinance setting County Commission's 1994-98 annual salary ($16,500 plus $300/month expense account)
    128 10-04-1993 Ordinance requiring builder of any building or other principal structure, other than an outdoor advertising sign, be responsible for constructing any legally required sidewalk or driveway apron; and that any adjacent and abutting property owner be responsible for rebuilding, repairing and maintaining any sidewalk, walkway or driveway apron (amended by Ord. No. 218)
    129 10-18-1993 Ordinance amending purchasing procedures to exempt purchase of property and casualty insurance from competitive bidding requirement
    130 10-18-1993 Ordinance establishing procedures for disposing of surplus real property originally acquired for right-of-way
    131 11-01-1993 Ordinance setting annual salary of county school superintendent ($92,000)
    132 12-07-1993 Ordinance reapportioning County Commission membership by adopting plan 25 consisting of 13 members and 5 districts
    133 12-20-1993 Ordinance regulating the use of stub streets for vehicular access to property which abuts the terminus of any such street
    134 12-20-1993 Ordinance granting a franchise to Memphis CATV to own, operate and maintain a broadband telecommunications system
    135 02-07-1994 Ordinance amending purchasing procedures to allow for the purchase of supplies, materials and equipment from a sole source through negotiation and negotiation with lowest and best bidder
    136 02-28-1994 Ordinance proposing to amend County Charter § 2.03 to prohibit anyone elected to the County Commission from serving in any other elected office (new subsection F) (passed 08-04-1994 election)
    137 02-28-1994 Ordinance regulating discharge of air rifles in residential areas
    138 04-25-1994 Ordinance governing Memphis CATV basic service and equipment rates (franchise granted by Ord. No. 134, 12-20-1993)
    139 06-06-1994 Ordinance adopting Supplement No. 3 to Code (Ord. 111—135)
    140 06-20-1994 Ordinance amending Ord. No. 97 (electronic data processing user fees) to establish fees for construction code enforcement
    141 06-20-1994 Ordinance adopting Supplement No. 4 to Code (Ord. 137)
    142 07-07-1994 Ordinance fixing county tax rate for 1994 ($3.16 per $100)
    143 07-07-1994 Joint ordinance amending zoning regs to establish a special overlay district for Winchester Park Study Area to allow for construction on older, small existing lots; to establish bulk requirements, i.e., lot size setbacks, for the estate residential (R-E) district; and to establish requirements for guard houses, gates and appropriate queuing spaces as accessory
    144 07-18-1994 Ordinance setting annual salary of county school superintendent ($94,760)
    145 07-18-1994 Ordinance creating Shelby Farms Board (repealed by Ord. No. 346)
    146 08-08-1994 Ordinance amending purchasing procedures to allow for purchase of supplies, material and equipment from a sole source through negotiation and negotiation with the lowest and best bidder
    147 09-01-1994 Ordinance setting Commission Chairman's additional salary of $1000 for 1994-95
    148 09-26-1994 Ordinance adopting Supplement No. 5 to Code (Ord. 138)
    149 12-05-1994 Ordinance adopting Supplement No. 6 to Code (Ord. 146)
    150 01-09-1995 Ordinance approving condemnation for expansion of airport on behalf of joint airport authority
    151 01-09-1995 Ordinance approving condemnation for expansion of airport
    152 01-23-1995 Ordinance setting annual salary of county school superintendent ($105,000)
    153 02-20-1995 Joint ordinance amending zoning regs to require landscaping and screening for surface parking lots in central business district (ZTA 94-004 CC)
    154 03-13-1995 Joint ordinance establishing construction code's permit and inspection fee provisions
    155 03-13-1995 Joint ordinance amending joint gas code adopted in 1990
    156 03-13-1995 Joint ordinance amending joint mechanical code adopted in 1990
    157 03-27-1995 Joint ordinance amending joint plumbing code adopted in 1990
    158 04-10-1995 Joint ordinance amending joint building code adopted in 1990
    159 04-24-1995 Ordinance amending air pollution control code relative to permitting of major air pollution sources and toxic air pollution sources
    160 07-03-1995 Ordinance fixing tax rate for 1995 ($3.16 per $100)
    161 08-14-1995 Joint ordinance ZTA 95-001 CC, amending 3064: to change definition of restaurant in § 2; & to change § 27 B.7 to permit roof mounted cellular communication antennas as accessory structure and use, except on top of single family residential structures
    162 08-28-1995 Ordinance setting Commission Chairman's additional salary of $1000 for 1995-96
    163 08-28-1995 Joint ordinance amending zoning regs to establish regs governing location of motel/hotel (hourly rate) facilities and requiring special use permit for all motels/hotels (ZTA 94-005 CC)
    164 09-25-1995 Ordinance establishing agreement between Arlington, County, and Trustee for collection services (amended by Ord. No. 180)
    165 10-09-1995 Joint ordinance amending provisions relative to riding on portion of vehicle not intended for passengers
    166 10-23-1995 Joint ordinance amending zoning regs relative to adult entertainment within I-L and I-H zoning districts; to amend § 9 D.2.A.(1) and (2) to delete subsections relative to adult entertainment establishments; and to amend Chart 1 to add footnote for minimum distance requirements for adult entertainment uses (ZTA 95-002 CC)
    167 10-23-1995 Ordinance amending purchasing procedures to allow for purchase of supplies, materials, equipment from sole source through negotiation and negotiation with lowest/best bidder and next lowest/best bidder
    168 10-23-1995 Ordinance regulating noise
    169 11-20-1995 Joint ordinance amending zoning regs to add 4 new additional standards and modify 1 existing standard for reviewing special use permit applications for day care centers in R-S, R-D, and R-TH zoning districts (ZTA 95-004 CC)
    170 11-20-1995 Ordinance granting franchise to Millington CATV to own, operate, maintain broadband telecommunications systems
    171 12-18-1995 Ordinance amending annual emission fee amount and standardizing reporting of certain emissions (air pollution control)
    172 01-22-1996 Ordinance adopting Supplement No. 7 to Code (Ord. 147—163)
    173 04-08-1996 Ordinance amending Code § 20-15 relative to riding on portion of vehicle not intended for passengers
    174 04-08-1996 Ordinance amending Code §§ 20-161 and 22-1 relative to placement of advertising signs in public right-of-way
    175 04-08-1996 Ordinance regulating location and construction of Memphis Area Transit Authority bus shelters
    176 04-30-1996 Ordinance establishing an agreement between Arlington, Sheriff, and County to provide an officer to patrol exclusively in Arlington
    177 04-30-1996 Ordinance adopting Supplement No. 8 to Code (Ord. 164—170)
    178 06-03-1996 Ordinance amending Code § 14-130 relating to authority of Shelby Farms Board to accept gifts and donations (repealed by Ord. No. 346, 10-08-2007)
    179 07-01-1996 Ordinance fixing tax rate for 1996 ($3.16 per $100)
    180 08-19-1996 Ordinance amending Ord. No. 164 establishing agreement with Arlington for tax collection services by Trustee
    181 08-19-1996 Ordinance setting Commission Chairman's additional salary of $1000 for 1996-97
    182 09-23-1996 Ordinance establishing an agreement between Arlington, County, and Trustee for collection of municipal property taxes
    183 10-07-1996 Joint ordinance amending joint electrical code
    184 11-18-1996 Ordinance adopting T.C.A. § 39-17-1701 et seq. to establish curfew and repealing Ch. 22, Art. IV of Code of Ordinances
    185 11-18-1996 Ordinance establishing local small business and minority/women business procurement program and amending purchasing procedures
    186 02-10-1997 Ordinance adopting Supplement No. 9 to Code (Ord. 171—178)
    187 04-07-1997 Ordinance repealing resolution establishing joint center city commission and appropriating $50,000 as County's contribution; and establishing Art. VI to Ch. 16 of Code
    188 07-07-1997 Ordinance fixing tax rate for 1997 ($3.16 per $100)
    189 09-08-1997 Ordinance setting Mayor's 1998-2002 annual salary ($140,000)
    190 09-08-1997 Ordinance ratifying 1997 Public Act to amend T.C.A. § 8-21-401 relative to schedule of fees for clerks of probate courts
    191 09-22-1997 Joint ordinance amending joint electrical code
    192 09-22-1997 Joint ordinance amending zoning regs to amend §§ 2, 9, 19, 27, and Chart 1 to define commercial mobile communications services towers and provide criteria, standards and procedures to permit administrative review and approval (ZTA 97-001 CC)
    193 10-20-1997 Ordinance amending fire prevention code
    194 12-08-1997 Joint ordinance amending zoning regs to amend Chart 2 to reduce front and rear yard setbacks for single family dwellings in all residential zoning districts, except AG, R-E, and R-S15 districts (ZTA 97-003 CC)
    195 01-12-1998 Ordinance amending Ord. No. 79 relative to fees and permits for cutting and boring of County roads and right-of-ways
    196 01-26-1998 Joint ordinance amending construction code's permit and inspection fee provisions
    197 02-23-1998 Ordinance establishing fee to be assessed by county engineer for processing applications requesting release of easements
    198 03-23-1998 Ordinance amending Code § 2-57 relative to competitive bidding requirements applicable to purchases, sales and service contracts
    199 04-27-1998 Joint ordinance establishing technical code boards; and amending joint building, electrical, gas, mechanical, and plumbing codes
    200 06-01-1998 Ordinance adopting Supplements No. 10 (Ord. 179—187) and 11 (Ord. 188—193) to Code
    201 07-27-1998 Ordinance establishing certified tax rate for 1998 ($2.82 per $100)
    202 08-24-1998 Ordinance fixing tax rate for 1998 ($2.82 per $100)
    203 08-24-1998 Ordinance reaffirming annual emissions fee and updating various technical requirements of air pollution control code
    204 09-14-1998 Ordinance amending Ord. No. 82 relative to animal control
    205 11-23-1998 Joint ordinance amending zoning regs to amend §§ 6, 8, and 14 to specify public hearing notification regs (ZTA 98-003 CC)
    206 12-21-1998 Ordinance adopting Supplement No. 12 to Code (Ord. 194—198)
    207 02-22-1999 Ordinance adopting Supplement No. 13 to Code (Ord. 199—204)
    208 03-22-1999 Ordinance amending Ch. 7, Art. XI of Code relative to alarm services
    209 06-07-1999 Joint ordinance amending zoning regs to amend Chart 4 to reduce number of parking spaces required to serve mini-storage warehouses (ZTA 99-001 CC)
    210 08-04-1999 Ordinance fixing tax rate for 1999 ($3.54 per $100)
    211 08-30-1999 Ordinance adopting Supplement No. 14 to Code (Ord. 205—208)
    212 10-11-1999 Joint ordinance amending zoning regs to amend Chart 2 to allow modification of required building setbacks through administrative approval (ZTA 99-002 CC)
    213 10-11-1999 Ordinance establishing engineering administration and inspection fees to be imposed on developments requiring final plat approval, or administrative site plan review required by zoning regs, on subdivision or planned developments requiring a public improvement contract; and for misc. public improvement contract processing
    214 11-08-1999 Joint ordinance amending zoning regs to create new neighborhood commercial (C-N) zoning district; to amend Chart 1 to allow uses through administrative site plan review specified in C-N district regs; and to amend Chart 2 "bulk regulations" (ZTA 99-003 CC)
    215 12-06-1999 Joint ordinance amending zoning regs to delete § 10.E.1 and substituting language requiring use variation approval by city council and/or county commission (ZTA 99-005 CC)
    216 12-06-1999 Joint ordinance amending zoning regs to amend §§ 29 and 30 to require registration and decals for on- and off-premises signs; to delete off-premises signs from C-L zoning; and to amend Chart 1 to show same, change max. gross surface area of off-premises signs, provide for consistent spacing of 1000' between all off-premises signs, eliminate construction of any new off-premises signs, and establish procedures for removal of non-conforming signs (ZTA 99-004 CC)
    217 02-21-2000 Ordinance amending Ch. 9, Art. VI of Code to add new § 9-292 relative to attendance of driver education courses
    218 02-21-2000 Ordinance amending Ord. No. 128 relative to building, rebuilding, repair and maintenance of sidewalks and driveway aprons to provide a method to waive sidewalks in certain cases
    219 04-24-2000 Ordinance adopting Supplement No. 15 to Code (Ord. 209—214)
    220 06-05-2000 Ordinance amending 1917 Private Acts, Ch. 420 and Ord. No. 112 to provide for expanded membership of, and approval of certain contracts entered into by, Convention Center Commission
    221 07-10-2000 Ordinance amending Ch. 25 to add new Art. XI, residential corridors
    222 07-10-2000 Joint ordinance creating Board for Community Redevelopment Agency and amending Ch. 16 to add new Art. VII
    223 07-24-2000 Ordinance fixing tax rate for 2000 ($3.54 per $100)
    224 07-24-2000 Ordinance amending Ch. 20 to add new § 20-29.1 "use of safety belts in passenger vehicles" to provide for penalties for violations and to add new § 20-29.2 "exceptions"
    225 07-24-2000 Ordinance adopting Supplement No. 16 to Code (Ord. 215—218)
    226 08-07-2000 Joint ordinance amending zoning regs to amend Chart 2 to reduce min. lot size requirement and to prohibit front-facing garages in R-E district (ZTA 00-004 CC)
    227 09-11-2000 Ordinance amending Ch. 16, Art. VI of Code to increase membership of Center City Commission, define term of membership, and increase required quorum size
    228 09-25-2000 Ordinance amending zoning regs to amend §§ 6, 8, and 14 to specify public hearing notification regs (ZTA 00-005 CO)
    229 10-09-2000 Ordinance amending fire prevention code
    230 10-23-2000 Ordinance adopting Supplement No. 17 to Code (Ord. 219—222)
    231 11-06-2000 Ordinance providing for interim regulation of tree removal and for planting, preservation, and replacement of trees in certain cases; and establishing fee for required notices of intent, tree surveys and/or tree permits; and providing remedy for failure to comply
    232 11-06-2000 Ordinance amending Ch. 16, Art. VI of Code to increase membership of Center City Commission
    233 12-18-2000 Ordinance adopting Supplement No. 18 to Code (Ord. 223—226)
    234 02-26-2001 Ordinance granting franchise to Memphis Networx and approving execution of franchise agreement
    235 02-26-2001 Joint ordinance amending zoning regs to provide for planting, preservation, and replacement of trees (ZTA 00-006 CC)
    236 02-26-2001 Joint ordinance amending subdivision regs to revise requirements for access and circulation, curves, sight distance, tangents, corner radii, and submission to promote preservation of existing trees (STA 00-001 CC)
    237 03-12-2001 Ordinance adopting Supplement No. 19 to Code (Ord. 227—232)
    238 06-04-2001 Joint ordinance providing for the creation of a redevelopment trust fund (Community Redevelopment Act of 1998, § 21)
    239 07-09-2001 Joint ordinance amending zoning regs to amend Chart 2 to allow one front yard setback on certain corner lots; and to amend Chart 4 to require one parking space for single family dwellings on lots in City 40' or less in width (ZTA 01-0023 CC)
    240 07-30-2001 Ordinance retaining same annual emission fee for 2000 (air pollution control)
    241 07-30-2001 Ordinance amending air pollution control code to add additional board members; to amend appellate time frame; to retain same annual emission fee amount for 1999; to amend emission fee adjustment factor; and to update various technical requirements
    242 08-13-2001 Ordinance adopting Supplement No. 20 to Code (Ord. 233—236)
    243 08-27-2001 Joint ordinance establishing construction code's permit and inspection fee provisions
    244 08-27-2001 Joint ordinance amending joint building code
    245 08-27-2001 Joint ordinance amending joint electrical code
    246 08-27-2001 Joint ordinance amending joint gas code
    247 08-27-2001 Joint ordinance amending joint mechanical code
    248 08-27-2001 Joint ordinance amending joint plumbing code
    249 08-27-2001 Ordinance amending Ord. No. 82 relative to animal control to establish fees for license and impoundment
    250 08-27-2001 Ordinance fixing tax rate for 2001 ($3.79 per $100)
    251 09-10-2001 Ordinance amending fire prevention code
    252 09-24-2001 Ordinance amending § 6, Ch. 161 of Private Acts of 1973 to increase filing fee paid by public to divorce referee
    253 09-24-2001 Joint ordinance amending zoning regs to amend §§ 2 "definition for automotive and motor vehicle sales and service", 29 "signs", 32 "landscape and screening regs", and 27 "accessory structure and uses", and Charts 1 "special use permit for outdoor storage in C-H" and 2 "bulk regs" (ZTA 01-001 CC)
    254 09-24-2001 Joint ordinance amending zoning regs to amend §§ 2, 9, 19B, and 27, and Chart 1 "communications towers and related facilities" (ZTA 01-003 CC)
    255 12-03-2001 Joint ordinance amending zoning regs to amend §§ 6, 8, and 14 "public hearing notification regulations" (ZTA 01-005 CC)
    256 12-31-2001 Ordinance setting County Commission's 2002-06 salary ($500 per meeting, $250 per committee, $1500/month max; $1050/month expense account)
    257 12-31-2001 Ordinance setting mayor's 2002-06 annual salary ($150,000)
    258 12-31-2001 Ordinance reapportioning County Commission membership by adopting Plan B consisting of 13 members and 5 districts
    259 01-07-2002 Ordinance adopting Supplement No. 21 to Code (Ord. 237—248)
    260 01-28-2002 Ordinance amending Ch. 7, Art. XI of Code relative to alarm services (amended by Ord. No. 263; Ord. No. 313)
    261 05-13-2002 Ordinance amending Ch. 3, Art. II of Code relative to animal control
    262 06-17-2002 Ordinance adopting Supplement No. 22 to Code (Ord. 249—260)
    263 07-29-2002 Ordinance amending Ch. 7, Art. XI of Code relative to alarm services
    264 08-12-2002 Ordinance fixing tax rate for 2002 ($3.79 per $100)
    265 09-09-2002 Ordinance amending air pollution control code to retain same annual emission fee for 2001; providing for revisions to penalties for noncompliance, variances, open burning, volatile organic compounds, and hearings; authorizing right of entry for emergency episodes; and requiring conformity of mobile source emissions with air qualify plans
    266 09-23-2002 Ordinance adopting Supplement No. 23 to Code (Ord. 261)
    267 10-07-2002 Ordinance amending air pollution control code to clarify use of term "technical secretary"
    268 10-07-2002 Joint ordinance amending zoning regs to allow seasonal outdoor sales of pumpkins and Christmas trees on vacant lots (ZTA 02-002 CC)
    269 10-21-2002 Joint ordinance amending zoning regs to amend § 29 relative to signs (ZTA 02-00 CC)
    270 02-10-2003 Ordinance setting compensation of grand jury foremen
    271 06-23-2003 Ordinance amending Code § 20-30(c) relative to General Sessions Court costs and taxes
    272 06-23-2003 Ordinance amending Ch. 22, Art. 1 relative to posting of notices or other signs in right-of-way, parks or other public property
    273 07-30-2003 Ordinance fixing tax rate for 2003 ($4.04 per $100)
    274 07-30-2003 Ordinance fixing 2003 rural school bonds tax rate outside City ($4.09 per $100)
    275 08-25-2003 Ordinance adopting Supplement No. 24 to Code (Ord. 262—269)
    276 11-24-2003 Ordinance amending air pollution control code and Ch. 14.5 to retain same annual emissions fee for 2002; providing for revisions to noncompliance provisions; amending required sampling, recording and reporting; amending methods of sampling and analysis; amending fees for stack tests; adding new authority to issue confidentiality protection orders for secret formulae, processes or methods used in manufacturing operations and to grant, deny or revoke confidentiality; adding definition of "regulated pollutant (for fee calculation)"; and incorporating by reference specified state and federal emission standards
    277 12-08-2003 Joint ordinance amending subdivision regs to amend § 301.3 "preliminary plan requirements," paragraph D; § 301.7 "final plat requirements," paragraph C; and § 105 "jurisdiction/exemptions" (STA 03-001)
    278 12-08-2003 Joint ordinance amending zoning regs to amend §§ 2 "interpretations and definitions", 26 "overlay district regs", and 26, paragraph I.7 "floodplain district" (ZTA 03-001 CC)
    279 01-26-2004 Joint ordinance amending zoning regs to amend § 2(D)(1) (ZTA 03-001 CC)
    280 02-09-2004 Joint ordinance amending zoning regs to create new single family residential infill (R-S6 I) zoning district (uses permitted); and to amend Chart 2 "bulk regulations" (ZTA 03-004 CC)
    281 02-23-2004 Ordinance amending Code § 12-28, civil service merit system, to designate Head Start employees as unclassified service
    282 04-26-2004 Joint ordinance amending zoning regs to amend neighborhood commercial (C-N) zoning district; to amend Chart 1 to allow residential uses in C-N district; and to amend Chart 2 "bulk regulations" (ZTA 03-005 CC)
    283 05-17-2004 Joint ordinance amending zoning regs to amend § 29 III—VII; to create new § 29 XII "violations" and § 29 XIII "enforcement and penalties"; to amend § 30(E); and to provide for repeal of conflicting requirements and an effective date (ZTA 03-002 CC)
    284 06-07-2004 Ordinance amending Ch. 7, Art. XI of Code relative to alarm services
    285 06-07-2004 Joint ordinance creating office of Construction Code Enforcement, joint board of appeals, code advisory and licensing boards; and procedures for commercial demolition program
    286 07-12-2004 Ordinance amending Ch. 14.5 to retain same annual emission fee for 2003 and to adjust air pollution control code scheduled fees
    287 07-19-2004 Ordinance fixing tax rate for 2004 ($4.04/$4.09 per $100)
    288 08-09-2004 Ordinance amending (electronic data processing user) fee schedule (Ord. No. 97)
    289 08-23-2004 Ordinance authorizing General Sessions Court Clerk to impose local litigation tax of $6.00 on each civil case and each criminal conviction to fund judges' salaries
    290 08-23-2004 Ordinance setting Commission Chairman's additional salary of $1000 for 2004-05
    291 10-11-2004 Ordinance adopting Supplement No. 25 to Code (Ord. 270—281)
    292 12-06-2004 Ordinance amending Code to establish new Ch. 30, "storm water management and pollution control"
    293 01-10-2005 Ordinance amending Code § 12-38(c) to establish time limit and other conditions for eligibility for civil service classified fallback position in employment
    294 02-14-2005 Ordinance adopting Supplement No. 26 to Code (Ord. 282—286)
    295 06-06-2005 Joint ordinance adopting 2005 building code
    296 06-06-2005 Joint ordinance amending building code
    297 06-06-2005 Joint ordinance amending electric code
    298 06-06-2005 Joint ordinance amending fuel gas code
    299 06-06-2005 Joint ordinance amending mechanical code
    300 06-06-2005 Joint ordinance amending plumbing code
    301 06-20-2005 Ordinance adopting Supplement No. 27 to Code (Ord. 287—293)
    302 07-11-2005 Ordinance amending (electronic data processing user) fee schedule (Ord. No. 97)
    303 07-13-2005 Ordinance fixing tax rate for 2005 ($4.04/$4.09 per $100)
    304 07-25-2005 Ordinance amending civil service merit act for employees to extend appeals time limit from 30 days to 60 days and to define "human resources administrator"
    305 08-08-2005 Ordinance amending regs governing construction, installation and operation of subsurface sewage disposal systems
    306 09-12-2005 Ordinance setting Commission Chairman's additional salary of $2000 for 2005-06
    307 09-26-2005 Ordinance granting contingent approval of assignment and change of control of Memphis CATV franchise to Cable Holdco II and MOC Holdco II
    308 11-21-2005 Ordinance amending Code to add new § 2-58 relative to initiation of requests for proposals by County Commissioners
    309 12-05-2005 Ordinance setting Mayor's 2006-10 annual salary ($150,000)
    310 12-05-2005 Ordinance setting county commission's 2006-2010 salary ($500 per meeting, $250 per committee, $1500/month max.; $1050 per month expense account)
    311 12-05-2005 Ordinance to retain same annual emission fee for 2004 (air pollution control)
    312 12-19-2005 Ordinance adopting Supplement No. 28 to Code (Ord. 294—300)
    313 03-13-2006 Ordinance amending Ch.7, Art. XI of Code relative to alarm services
    314 07-10-2006 Ordinance fixing tax rate for 2006 ($4.40/$4.09 per $100)
    315 07-10-2006 Ordinance adopting Supplement No. 29 to Code (Ord. 301—311)
    316 08-14-2006 Ordinance amending Ch, 28 relative to disposal of tenant property discarded on right-of-ways to add new Art. IV, §§ 28-116 to 120
    317 08-28-2006 Ordinance setting commission chairs additional salary of $2000 for 2006-07
    318 12-18-2006 Ordinance to retain same annual emission fee for 2005 (air pollution control)
    319 02-05-2007 Ordinance adopting Supplement No. 30 to Code (Ord. 312—316)
    320 02-05-2007 Ordinance amending Code § 2-57(j) relative to identity of record keeper of county contracts
    321 02-05-2007 Ordinance amending Ord. No. 41 relative to location of hearings for ordinance violations
    322 02-19-2007 Joint ordinance amending subdivision regs to change requirements for interconnection of public streets (STA 06-001 CC)
    323 03-26-2007 Ordinance amending Code §§ 7-501 to 7-552 relative to regulation of wrecker and towing services and repealing Ord. No. 62
    324 03-26-2007 Ordinance amending purchasing procedures by enacting a new locally owned small business purchasing ("LOSB") program
    325 04-09-2007 Ordinance amending Code § 2-57 relative to the transfer of property to local governmental entities for educational purposes
    326 04-09-2007 Ordinance amending Code to add new chapter entitled "Emergency Communication Services (911)"
    327 05-21-2007 Ordinance adopting Supplement No. 31 to Code (Ord. 317—321)
    328 05-21-2007 Ordinance amending Ch. 12 to establish living wage standard
    329 06-25-2007 Ordinance setting Commission Chairman's additional salary of $2000 for 2007-08
    330 06-25-2007 Ordinance adopting Code of Ethics ("Ethics Ordinance")—new Ch. 12.5 (amended by Ord. No. 348, 10-22-2007)
    331 07-09-2007 Ordinance fixing tax rate for 2007 ($4.04/$4.09 per $100)
    332 07-23-2007 Ordinance amending Code §§ 28-76, 28-77 & 28-82 relative to nuisance and urban blight prevention and protection
    333 08-13-2007 Joint ordinance amending existing building code
    334 08-13-2007 Joint ordinance amending joint building code
    335 08-13-2007 Joint ordinance amending joint electrical code
    336 08-13-2007 Joint ordinance amending joint fuel gas code
    337 08-13-2007 Joint ordinance amending joint mechanical code
    338 08-13-2007 Joint ordinance amending joint plumbing code
    339 08-27-2007 Ordinance amending Code § 20-74 relative to approach of authorized emergency vehicles
    340 08-27-2007 Ordinance amending Code § 20-22 relative to child passenger safety responsibility
    341 08-27-2007 Ordinance amending Code § 20-50 relative to off-highway motor vehicles
    342 08-27-2007 Ordinance amending Code § 20-37 relative to compliance with financial responsibility law of 1977 (amended by Ord. No. 352, 12-03-2007)
    343 08-27-2007 Ordinance establishing term limits for board members(Code § 2-11)
    344 09-10-2007 Ordinance repealing Ord. No. 81 and adopting state adult-oriented establishment registration act of 1998 (amended by Ord. No. 377)
    345 09-24-2007 Ordinance creating Land Bank Department (Div. of Public Works)
    346 10-08-2007 Ordinance repealing Ord. No. 145 and Ord. No. 178 relative to the Shelby Farms Board (replaced by Shelby Farms Park Conservancy, a 501(c)(3))
    347 10-22-2007 Joint ordinance amending zoning regs official zoning map (Z 07-116 CC)
    348 10-22-2007 Ordinance amending § 6 of Ethics Ordinance (Code § 12.5-56(c))
    349 11-05-2007 Joint ordinance amending zoning regs relative to loss of license or permit for 365 consecutive days (ZTA 07-002 CC)
    350 12-03-2007 Joint ordinance amending zoning regs relative to overlay district regulations FP flood plain district (ZTA 07-001 CC)
    351 12-03-2007 Joint ordinance creating community redevelopment trust fund
    352 12-03-2007 Ordinance amending Ord. No. 342 relative to compliance with financial responsibility law of 1977 (Code § 20-37)
    353 01-07-2008 Joint ordinance amending subdivision regs to require high intensity soil maps prior to preliminary plan approval for lots with no public sewer (STA 07-001 CC)
    354 01-28-2008 Joint ordinance amending zoning regs § 30(B)(6)/16-116-2(F) relative to termination of nonconforming use (ZTA 07-003 CC)
    355 01-28-2008 Ordinance adopting Title VI policy and approving policy and procedure manual
    356 02-25-2008 Ordinance adopting Supplement No. 32 to Code (Ord.322—324)
    357 03-31-2008 Ordinance adopting Supplement No. 33 to Code (Ord. 325—346)
    358 04-14-2008 Ordinance requiring boards and commissions to use Sire Document Management System (Code § 2-12)
    359 04-28-2008 Ordinance amending Ch. 14.5, air pollution control, to reduce annual emission fee for 2006
    360 06-02-2008 Ordinance proposing amendments to County Charter relative to creation of county charter officers (failed 08-07-2008 election)
    361 06-02-2008 Ordinance proposing amendments to County Charter relative to various changes to Art. 1, 2, 3, and 5 (passed 08-07-2008 election)
    362 06-16-2008 Ordinance setting Commission Chairman's additional salary of $2000 for 2008-09
    363 07-07-2008 Ordinance fixing tax rate for 2008 ($4.04/$4.09 per $100)
    364 08-27-2008 Ordinance proposing amendments to county Charter to add new Art. VIII creating charter officers (passed 11-04-2008 election)
    365 08-27-2008 Ordinance proposing amendments to county Charter to add new § 5.25, term limits for charter officers (passed 11-04-2008 election)
    366 10-06-2008 Ordinance amending Code § 2-57 relative to the transfer of surplus property to governmental entities for public purposes with a direct or indirect benefit to Shelby County residents
    367 11-17-2008 Ordinance adopting Supplement No. 34 to Code (Ord. 347—352)
    368 11-17-2008 Ordinance adopting Supplement No. 35 to Code (Ord. 353—359)
    369 01-12-2009 Joint ordinance amending zoning regs relative to payday loan establishments and title loan establishments (ZTA 08-001 CC)
    370 01-12-2009 Joint ordinance adopting 2003 edition of international code council residential building code
    371 05-11-2009 Ordinance amending Code §§ 12-5-51 to 63, ethics provisions
    372 06-01-2009 Ordinance amending fire prevention code
    373 06-01-2009 Ordinance amending civil service merit act
    374 06-15-2009 Ordinance adopting prevailing wage ordinance
    375 06-15-2009 Joint ordinance amending zoning regs related to signs
    376 07-13-2009 Ordinance fixing the tax rate for 2009 ($4.02/$4.06 per $100)
    377 07-13-2009 Ordinance amending Ord. No. 344 to establish method of appealing adverse decision of Adult Oriented Establishment Registration Board
    378 08-03-2009 Ordinance amending Ch. 30, stormwater management, by adding new Article VII, stormwater fund
    379 08-03-2009 Ordinance establishing policies and procedures for continuity of government following a disaster
    380 08-31-2009 Ordinance amending Ch. 7, Art. XI relative to alarm services by deleting sunset provision
    381 08-31-2009 Ordinance amending Ch. 16, Art. VI, § 16-135 to decrease the membership of Center City Commission board of directors
    382 09-14-2009 Ordinance adopting Supplement No. 36 to Code (Ord. 360—370)
    383 09-14-2009 Ordinance setting county commission's 2010-2014 salary ($2,425 per month)
    384 09-14-2009 Ordinance setting annual salary for mayor ($142,500) and Sheriff ($115,000) for 2010-2014 term
    385 10-12-2009 Ordinance amending Ch. 14.5 to retain same annual emission fees
    386 10-26-2009 Ordinance amending Ch. 7 to add new article regulating tire disposal and business registration
    387 12-07-2009 Ordinance amending Ch. 2, Art. II to add a new section establishing public notice procedures
    388 02-22-2010 Ordinance amending Ch. 2, Art. II, Div. 2 to update purchasing procedures
    389 03-15-2010 Ordinance adopting Supplement No. 37 to Code (Ord. 372—373; correct error to Chart 1 of zoning appendix
    390 03-29-2010 Ordinance amending Ch. 12.5, Art. II relative to the code of ethics
    391 04-12-2010 Ordinance amending zoning regulations (ZTA 09-002 CC) relative to definitions & distance requirements for adult entertainment uses
    392 05-10-2010 Ordinance amending Ch. 20, Art. V to update bicycle regulations
    393 06-21-2010 Ordinance adopting Supplement No. 38 to Code (Ord. 374—378, 380—381)—separate supplement for Ord. 379 pending
    394 06-21-2010 Ordinance adopting Supplement No. 39 to Code (Ord. 371)
    395 06-21-2010 Ordinance amending Ch. 7, Art. XI relative to emergency alarms
    396 07-12-2010 Ordinance fixing the tax rate for 2010
    397 08-09-2010 Ordinance repealing joint zoning and subdivision regulations, and adopting Memphis and Shelby County Unified Development Code (effective 01-01-2011)
    398 10-11-2010 Ordinance amending Unified Development Code (frontage standards; MLGW)
    399 10-25-2010 Ordinance amending joint zoning and subdivision regulations, and amending Unified Development Code (Midtown Overlay)
    129 10-18-1993 Ordinance amending county government purchasing rules and regulations; amending Code § 2-226
    402 12-20-2010 Ordinance adopting and enacting a new Code for Shelby County
    403  2-28-2011 Ordinance to increase the number of members serving on the Shelby County School Board to 25 during a transition period to a single county-wide school board
    404  6-20-2011 Ordinance adding Ch. 30, Art. VII to Code, relative to the Shelby County Historical Commission
    405  7-11-2011 Ordinance fixing the tax rate for Shelby County for the tax year 2011
    406  7-11-2011 Ordinance adding Ch. 16, Art. V to Code, prohibiting graffiti on any publicly or privately owned property
    407  7-25-2011 Ordinance amending Code § 1-4, relative to fines levied for violations of county ordinances
    408  8- 8-2011 Ordinance amending Code § 38-21, prohibiting the impeding of traffic on certain public rights-of-way
    409 10-17-2011 Ordinance amending Code § 24-356, relative to window tint on motor vehicles
    410  1- 9-2012 Ordinance amending Code §§ 4-2, 4-103 and 4-107, relative to dangerous/vicious dogs
    411  1-23-2012 Ordinance amending Ch. 8, Art. XVI, relative to the permitting and operation of mobile food preparation vendors
    412  3-26-2012 Ordinance repealing Ch. 32, Art. VIII of Code, relative to Convention Center Commission
    413  7-16-2012 Ordinance fixing the tax rate for Shelby County for the tax year 2012
    414  8-13-2012 Ordinance to resolve duplication and conflicts between the Shelby County Code of Ordinances and the Unified Development Code regarding residential corridors (Ords. 221, 128); repealing Ch. 26, Art. X of Code; amending Code § 38-44(a)
    415  8-27-2012 Ordinance amending Ch. 16, Art. IV of Code, requiring property owners to maintain property by eliminating and controlling harmful vegetation and removing litter, debris and garbage
    416  8-27-2012 Joint ordinance amending the Memphis and Shelby County Unified Development Code as adopted by the City of Memphis Aug. 10, 2010, and by Shelby County Aug. 9, 2010, to revise and enhance the Joint Zoning and Subdivision Regulations
    417  8-27-2012 Ordinance adopting the 2009 edition of the International Fire Code; amending Ch. 22, Art. II of Code
    418  9-10-2012 Ordinance amending Code § 16-28, App. A (note), relative to the annual emission fee from non-motor vehicle sources for emissions released in 2011
    419  9-10-2012 Joint ordinance amending the Joint Electric Code of Memphis and Shelby County so as to ensure compliance with state requirements and using the National Electric Code as the effective model code; amending Ch. 6, Art. III of Code
    420  9-20-2012 Joint ordinance amending the Joint Fuel Gas Code of Memphis and Shelby County so as to adopt the 2009 edition of the International Fuel Gas Code; amending Ch. 6, Art. V of Code
    421  9-10-2012 Joint ordinance adopting the 2009 edition of the International Mechanical Code; amending Ch. 6, Art. VI of Code
    422  9-10-2012 Joint ordinance amending the Joint Plumbing Code of Memphis and Shelby County so as to adopt the 2009 edition of the International Plumbing Code; amending Ch. 6, Art. IV of the Code
    423 10- 8-2012 Joint ordinance adopting part of the 2009 edition and part of the 2012 edition of the International Building Code; amending Ch. 6, Art. II of Code
    424 10- 8-2012 Joint ordinance amending the joint existing building code of Memphis and Shelby County so as to adopt the 2012 edition of the International Existing Building Code; adding Code § 6-47
    425 10- 8-2012 Joint ordinance adopting the 2012 edition of the International Residential Code; amending Code § 6-44
    426 10-22-2012 Ordinance amending Ch. 8, Art. IX of the Code relative to security alarm services; amending Code § 8-361(a), (b)
    427 10-22-2012 Ordinance amending Code § 2-214, relative to the acquisition and disposition of real property
    428 10-22-2012 Joint ordinance adopting the 2009 edition of the International Energy Conservation Code; adding Code § 6-48
    429  1-28-2013 Joint ordinance amending the Memphis and Shelby County Unified Development Code as adopted by the City of Memphis Aug. 10, 2010, and by Shelby County Aug. 9, 2010, to revise and enhance the Joint Zoning and Subdivision Regulations
    430  4- 1-2013 Ordinance by the Board of County Commissioners of Shelby County exempting current Memphis city schools employees from the residency provision of the Shelby County Charter
    431  4-15-2013 Joint ordinance amending the Memphis and Shelby County Unified Development Code as adopted by the City of Memphis Aug. 10, 2010, and by Shelby County Aug. 9, 2010, to revise and enhance the Joint Zoning and Subdivision Regulations
    432  6-17-2013 Joint ordinance to establish a revised effective date for the structural provisions of the Memphis and Shelby County Building Code
    433  6-17-2013 Joint ordinance to establish a revised effective date for the structural provisions of the Memphis and Shelby County Residential Code
    434  6-17-2013 Joint ordinance to establish a revised effective date for the structural provisions of the Memphis and Shelby County Existing Building Code
    435  7- 8-2013 Joint ordinance amending the Memphis and Shelby County Unified Development Code as adopted by the City of Memphis Aug. 10, 2010, and by Shelby County Aug. 9, 2010, to revise and enhance the Joint Zoning and Subdivision Regulations
    436  7-22-2013 Ordinance fixing the tax rate for Shelby County for the tax year 2013
    437   8-19-2013 Ordinance to adopt Supplement No. 1 to the 2011 Code of Ordinances of Shelby County
    438  9- 9-2013 Joint ordinance amending Chapter 34 of the 2012 Joint Building Code for Memphis and Shelby County previously adopted by the Shelby County Board of Commissioners and the Memphis City Council
    439  9- 9-2013 Joint ordinance amending the 2012 Joint Existing Building Code for Memphis and Shelby County
    440  9-23-2013 Joint ordinance amending the Memphis and Shelby County Unified Development Code as adopted by the City of Memphis Aug. 10, 2010, and by Shelby County Aug. 9, 2010, to revise and enhance the Joint Zoning and Subdivision Regulations
    441 11-18-2013 Ordinance to amend Part II, Chapter 8, Article XV of the Code relating to the proper disposal of used tires including the registration of vendors who generate used tires and transporters of used tires in Shelby County
    442 12-16-2013 Joint ordinance amending the 2012 Memphis and Shelby County Joint Residential Code
    443 12-16-2013 Ordinance approving and setting the salary for the members of the Board of County Commissioners for the 2014—2018 term of office
    444 12-16-2013 Ordinance approving and setting the salary of the Mayor of Shelby County and the Shelby County Sheriff for the 2014—2018 term of office
    445  1-13-2014 Ordinance to amend Chapter 4 of the Code by adding a new article for the purpose of improving the standard of care for companion animals in Shelby County
    446  1-13-2014 Ordinance approving and setting the salary of the Shelby County Trustee, Shelby County Register, Shelby County Clerk and Shelby County Assessor for the 2014—2018 term of office
    448  4-28-2014 Ordinance to amend Chapter 8 of the Code by creating a new Article XVII regarding food establishments in Shelby County
    450  7-21-2014 Ordinance to amend Chapter 18, Article II, regarding the Shelby County Code of Ethics and to repeal Article III, antinepotism
    452 12- 8-2014 Ordinance to amend Chapter 2, Article IV, Section 2-230 of the Code to comply with state statutes by removing requirements on those bidding on or receiving major public works projects, or their subcontractors, that they pay local prevailing wage or a specific amount for fringe benefits or requiring them to pay health benefits
    453 12- 8-2014 Ordinance to amend Chapter 18, Article II, Section 18-57 pertaining to the Code of Ethics
    456  2- 9-2015 Ordinance to amend the Shelby County Air Code, Section 3-16, "Open Burning."
    457  2- 9-2015 Ordinance to amend Ch. 14.5 to set the annual emission fee for stationary sources for emissions released in calendar year 2013 and to adjust Title V permit fees.
    458  2- 9-2015 Ordinance to amend Ordinance No. 343 to require that a majority vote instead of a supermajority vote be needed to reappoint members who serve on joint city/county boards and commissions
    459  4-27-2015 Ordinance to amend the provisions of the 2012 Joint Mechanical Code related to the operation and safety monitoring of certain power boilers to make these requirements more closely align with state requirements for the operation of such equipment
    462  8-24-2015 Ordinance amending a provision in the local amendments to the 2012 Edition of the International Code Council International Residential Code to address when the use of engineered shear panels for seismic protection of residential structures is required.
    466  8-29-2016 Ordinance amending the Shelby County Charter to require the hiring appointment and dismissal process for the county attorney to consist of a recommendation from the county mayor with the concurrence of a resolution of the board of county commissioners
    469 12- 5-2016 An ordinance requiring independent residential living facilities to provide life safety equipment in all buildings
    471 12-19-2016 An ordinance amending the locally owned small business Ordinance No. 324 to establish procedures to enhance the amount of locally owned small business participation in the county's procurement process
    472 12-19-2016 An ordinance to establish the minority and woman business enterprise program and to amend current purchasing procedures
    473  6-26-2017 An ordinance to amend Ordinance No. 472, which established the minority and woman business enterprise program (M/WBE), to require the business owner(s) to provide proof of residency as a prequalification for the M/WBE certification and to clarify the appeals process
    474  6-26-2017 An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 471, which amended the locally owned small business (LOSB) ordinance, to amend the county's purchasing policies and procedures
    477 12- 4-2017 An ordinance to amend Ch. 14.5 to set the annual emission fee collected from non-motor vehicle sources for emissions released in calendar year 2016 and to adjust Title V (Major Source) permit fees beginning in 2017
    482  5-14-2018 An ordinance to amend the Shelby County Charter to change the salary provisions for the mayor and Charter officers such that the salaries are governed by the provisions of state statute.
    486  8- 8-2018 An ordinance amending the Code of Ethics including certain provisions dealing with disclosures, conflict of interests, the standards of conduct and ethics complaints.
    487  8- 8-2018 An ordinance amending representation in civil litigation.
    488  8-13-2018 An ordinance amending chapters 40 and 8 of the Code to create a new article XVIII in chapter 8 establishing rules and regulations related to the operation and registration of short-term residential property rentals in the county and extending the privilege tax on transient occupancy to short-term rental property businesses in the county.
    489  8-13-2018 An ordinance amending the Shelby County Minority and Woman Business Enterprise Program (M/WBE) to modify the composition of the consultant review committee and contract compliance committee.
    490 10-15-2018 An ordinance granting a franchise to XO Communications, LLC and approving the execution of a franchise contract within the unincorporated areas of Shelby Count.
    491 12- 3-2018 Joint ordinance amending the Memphis and Shelby County Building Code so as to adopt the 2015 edition of the ICC International Building Code and local amendments, including certain appendices in the ICC Building Code and as locally drafted to replace an outdated building code, and setting applicable fees for permits and inspections.
    492 12- 3-2018 Joint ordinance amending the Memphis and Shelby County Existing Building Code, so as to adopt the 2015 edition of the International Code Council International Existing Building Code and local amendments thereto.
    493 12- 3-2018 Joint ordinance amending the Memphis and Shelby County Building Code so as to adopt the 2015 edition of the ICC International Residential Code and local amendments.
    494 12- 3-2018 Joint ordinance with the City of Memphis, Tennessee adopting the 2015 edition of the International Code Council International Energy Conservation Code and providing for its implementation by amendment to the Memphis and Shelby County Building and Residential Codes.
    495 12- 3-2018 Joint ordinance amending the Joint Electrical Code of Memphis and Shelby County so as to adopt the 2014 edition of the National Electric Code and local amendments as the effective model code and to make certain changes as hereinafter set out and setting applicable fees for permits and inspections.
    496 12- 3-2018 Joint ordinance amending the Memphis and Shelby County Plumbing Code so as to adopt the 2015 edition of the ICC International Plumbing Code and local amendments, including certain appendices in the ICC Plumbing Code and as locally drafted to replace an outdated plumbing code, and setting applicable fees for permits and inspections.
    497 12- 3-2018 Joint ordinance amending the Memphis and Shelby County Mechanical Code so as to adopt the 2015 edition of the ICC International Mechanical Code and local amendments to replace an outdated mechanical code and setting applicable fees for permits and inspections.
    498 12- 3-2018 Joint ordinance amending the Memphis and Shelby County Fuel Gas Code, so as to adopt the 2015 edition of the International Code Council International Fuel Gas code and local amendments thereto to replace an earlier outdated edition of that code, and establish an effective date therefore.
    499 12-18-2018 Ordinance amending the Shelby County Code of Ordinances by amending Article IV - Executive Branch - Division 4 - County Attorney - Section 2-252 entitled "Representation in civil litigation" to repeal and replace certain language regarding civil litigation in order to satisfy the terms of the Opioid Litigation Contract settlement.
    500 12-17-2018 Ordinance to amend Ordinance No. 472, which established the Shelby County Minority and Woman Business Enterprise Program (M/WBE), to amend the following sections: (1) definitions; (2) race and gender-conscious remedies section; and (3) rules and regulations and corresponding purchasing policies for Shelby County Government.
    501 3-25-2019 Ordinance adopting the 2015 Edition of the International Code Council International Fire Code including certain appendices in that Code, and other local amendments, and amending Ch. 22, Art. II.
    502 3-25-2019 Joint ordinance of Shelby County Government and the City of Memphis to establish a program for comprehensive and universal needs-based pre-kindergarten ("Pre-K") education through the appointment of a fiscal agent to provide strategy and oversight of distribution of funds on behalf of the county and city.