Shelby County |
Code of Ordinances |
§ 32-278. Supervisory powers.
The Memphis and Shelby County Port Commission, subject to such terms and conditions as may be provided by action of the mayor and council of the City of Memphis, shall have general charge and supervision of the river and rail terminals owned and operated by the City of Memphis, and the operation of such railroads, tracks, locomotives, barges, boats and watercraft as may be owned and operated by the city in furtherance of its river and rail terminal facilities, together with the general supervision, development, operation and conduct of warehouse, elevators and storage facilities owned and operated by the City of Memphis; provided, however, that this provision is subject to the terms and conditions of any contract that may be entered into by and between the City of Memphis and the county as set forth in this article.
The Memphis and Shelby County Port Commission, likewise, shall have general charge and supervision of all wharves erected and maintained, or to be erected and maintained within the area described in this article and shall have general supervision of those portions of the Mississippi, Loosahatchie and Wolf Rivers and Nonconnah Creek, over which the City of Memphis and the county have jurisdiction and control; and the landing, docking, mooring, departure and removal of steamboats, gasoline boats, motor propelled boats, houseboats, wharf boats, and other craft, and the fixing and collection of wharfage and other fees due from river craft within the area described in this article.
The commission shall have charge, control and management of all property, other than property already devoted, or hereafter to be acquired and devoted to park and flood control purposes, now owned, or hereafter to be acquired by the county, the City of Memphis or by the commission, on those banks of the Mississippi, Loosahatchie and Wolf Rivers and Nonconnah Creek lying within the area described in this article; shall safeguard, protect and advance the right and interest of the City of Memphis and the county in any riparian rights and powers it may have in, on or under the waters and banks of any navigable stream or any island now owned or that may hereafter be acquired pursuant to the powers herein conferred.
(Code 1992, § 18-8; Priv. Acts 1947, ch. 529, § 8; Priv. Acts 1951, ch. 380, § 4)