§ 26-286. Purposes and contents of regulations generally; planned developments.
The legislative bodies referred to in section 26-285 may regulate and limit, in the manner described in this article, the height and bulk of buildings hereafter erected or altered, and regulate and determine the percentage of land area to be devoted to yards, courts and other open spaces, and for such purposes, divide the five-mile zone into districts of such number, shape and area as may be deemed best suited to carry out the purposes of this article. Such regulations shall be uniform for each class of buildings throughout each district, but the regulations in one or more districts may differ from those in other districts. Such regulations shall be designed to lessen congestion on the public streets, to secure safety from fires and other dangers, to promote the public health and welfare, including provisions for adequate light, air and convenience of access, and shall be made with reasonable regard to the character of buildings erected in each district, the value of land and the use to which it may be put, to the end that such regulations will promote the public health, safety and welfare, the most desirable use for which the land of each district may be adopted, and tend to conserve the value of buildings and to stabilize the value of land throughout such districts.
Provided, however, the legislative bodies may by joint ordinance provide for approval of planned developments on parcels of not less than three acres in which the heights, areas, densities and uses may be as set out on a recordable plat although they may not be uniform with those in the district in which located. Such a plan shall first be submitted to and a recommendation made by the planning commission. Such plats shall show the street and road patterns, dedications, if any, setbacks, heights, density, uses, building separation, open areas and screenings as proposed by the applicant and their conformity with standards set by the planning commission as approved by the legislative bodies so as to carry out the intention of the applicable zoning ordinance and preserve the character of the neighborhood. Upon approval and enactment by the legislative bodies such conditions shall be binding upon the applicant/owner until relieved by amendment or repeal. Building permits may be issued in accordance with the approved plan even though more than one structure is to be located thereon.
(Code 1992, § 25-327; Priv. Acts 1931, ch. 613, § 3; Priv. Acts 1973, ch. 71, § 1)