§ 18-52. Disclosure of personal interest in voting matters.
Any official, employee, or appointee with the responsibility to vote or advise on any matter shall disclose during the meeting at which a vote on the matter takes place, before the vote and to be included in the minutes, any personal interest of the official, employee, or appointee in the matter to be voted upon. In addition, when the subject of a matter to be voted upon involves a contract in which an official, employee, or appointee has a direct personal interest, that official, employee, or appointee shall recuse himself or herself from discussion or voting on the matter. In other circumstances, unless otherwise provided by state law or the county charter, the official, employee, or appointee may, in his or her discretion, recuse himself/herself from discussion or voting on the matter.
It is an affirmative defense under this section that the official, employee, or appointee with a personal interest in a matter to be voted upon:
Timely disclosed the personal interest in a matter to be voted on during a public meeting; and
Sincerely believed in good faith that recusal was not required.
(Code 1992, § 12.5-52; Ord. No. 330, att. § 2, 6-25-2007; Ord. No. 371, exh. A, 5-11-2009; Ord. No. 390, exh. A, 3-22-2010; Ord. No. 450, exh. A, 7-21-2014)